Friday 15 February 2013

Obsessive Collecting Disorder

Some of the stalls within the Chapel Street Bazaar were so beautifully arranged they were perfect little still lifes - all ready to paint.

Other stalls were curated by obviously obsessed collectors of very specific things. These are the guys I love the best because I am rather fond of obsessiveness, whatever form it comes in.

My personal favorites were of course the ones with vintage toys. I don't really know why I love them so much - obsessive nostalgia perhaps?

There is a name for an obsessive collecting disorder, which I could not remember, so I Googled it. I did not find the name, but found something more fascinating. Apparently there is an indie computer game entitled "Obsessive Collecting Disorder" that is actually designed to break you of this habit!

1 comment:

  1. break the habit!!!....why? oh god tell me why? happy to stay permanently in the denial phase of my disorder!...great pics...I must plan a trip south.
    Allison x
