
Saturday, 3 November 2012

Monkeys of one form and another, a new brush and a trip down memory lane.

These are the things that my Saturday has consisted of.
The rather vicious looking monkey on my studio step was not snarling, only yawning. He was my first morning visitor. The little monkey on the right was my second, third, fourth and fifth visitor so I decided to take him for a drive as I was getting no work done with my new brush anyway.
We went up to the Pietermaritzburg SPCA bi-monthly book sale. I have not been there in ages. When I was a student in PMB I visited this gem regularly. It was with such nostalgia that I browsed the books in the wee tin roofed house and gazed at the huge Jacaranda tree. In my student days the Jacarandas signaled the last push till the end of the year. That same feeling of exhaustion and vague excitement came over me today as the beautiful purple blooms fell all around me.

1 comment:

  1. This post and photos have made my heart skip a beat , a nostalgic one that is. Thanks for sharing B x
