
Wednesday, 7 November 2012

What ONCE Is All About

As you might know I am a fine artist and crafts person, and Darren is a photographer.
Both of us are avid collectors of all things old.
Our little family is about to move to Melbourne, Australia and so Darren and I have started ONCE as a way of bringing our skills and loves together.

Dreams and Promises
Ultimately there will be three main parts to ONCE.
  1. A BLOG: which will allow us to communicate what we are doing, what we are making, what we are selling and what inspires us. 
  2. A SHOP: which will sell hand made items (both mine and other makers goodies) and vintage items (with a big focus on vintage children's books and toys).
  3. A PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO: which will focus on child and family photography but with delightful twists and turns (I wont give away too many of Darren's secret plans just yet).
Obviously we have begun the blog, the format of which will change as we develop. 

The shop will be mainly online to start with and will be opening in March 2013. However I have sent some of my handmade goodies over to my family in Melbourne already and, postage be willing, my sweet mum and sister may be appearing at a few markets in Melbourne before Christmas. 

The photography studio will take a little longer to be set up but should be functioning by mid 2013.

The next few posts will show some examples of what will be on offer.