
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Tea-quila and Biscuits!

Darren and I have been working hard to iron out the kinks on our shop and trying to make it easy and quick to load products. We have finally solved most of the problems and so now should be loading new things weekly. Here are pics of some of the little brooches and fridge magnets ONCE now has in stock.

These brooches and magnets are moulded either from the actual object (in many cases tea biscuits we all love) or from little 3D collages I have made using found objects. They are then cast in a material called Jesmonite, which is a eco-friendly mix between a resin and a plaster and has the same sort of resilience as fired ceramic. The colour is added to the material on casting and in some cases the objects are rubbed with oil paint once they are dry. The brooch backs are set into the objects while the material is still drying and is thus trapped there once the material hardens. This ensures that your brooches will not come free from their backings at any stage. They range in price from Aus $10 - Aus $ 20 in price and make perfect small post-able gifts.

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