
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

I Bags That!

I have been making new Tie Tote bags. I love making these, as it is fun to match / contrast the inside and outside fabrics with the ties. They are mostly made from vintage fabrics, but occasionally I mix in a newer fabric from my material cupboard. I have been trying to figure out how to identify the individual bags and have decided to name them (the first few are named after some of my close friends who I miss very much).

Catherine and Jess
Christine and Frances
Rike and Penelope
Samantha and Audrey


  1. Aw what a sweetie you are, I love them all x

  2. drizz on my key board! just when you've had enough some one sweet names a bag after you!

  3. I Bags That" epitomizes style and functionality in the world of fashion accessories. Is Core Intel Their designs marry form and utility, offering a diverse range of options for bag.
