I have come to realise that Future Me is my biggest problem and here's why. This is a list of a few of the things that Future Me does:
- She is much calmer than Present Me.
- Everyday she dresses creatively and takes care with her appearance. Nothing flashy, just a beaded necklace, a cute pair of knee-high socks or a lovely pair of shoes.
- She focuses her attention on one craft at a time She does this until she has completely mastered it (and lets face it, until she has become an expert in this field).
- She spends fun, quality time with her children, baking or facilitating a cool project (which she then blogs about).
- She plans creative healthy meals for the family (preferably using produce from her own Kitchen Garden).
- She HAS a Kitchen Garden.
- She exercises regularly and does not smoke or drink even half as much as Present Me (however she is a fun gal and will sneak a ciggie and a drink occasionally).
- She runs an overwhelmingly successful Internet business / shop from her small-town, country cottage (however she has not let this go to her head and remains humble and likable).
- She knows how to link Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and What's App together and make them work for her.
- She often makes time for a romantic interlude with her beautiful husband (she definitely does not take him for granted).
- She does similar with her girlfriends.
- She has a great grasp of the English Language and knows all the right grammar etc (but doesn't rub it in your face when you get things wrong).
- She makes time for herself; this might take the form of a quiet walk in the forest or a little treat at the beauty parlour.
- Her home is an absolute delight; a welcoming, stylish, quirky yet clean lined space.
OMG I cant go on, she is making Present Me want to vomit and then admit myself for a hospa-holiday. So why don't I get rid of her? Because I think she might be all of the people I admire most in the world rolled into one.
Future Me defiantly wouldn't procrastinate as much as Present Me is doing by ranting in a blog post about an imaginary being. Please tell me that you have a Future Me too and I am not the only one being driven insane by an overachieving alter ego.