
Tuesday, 5 March 2013

If Not Quite Vintage, Then Definitely Retro

We are vintage (ok, I am only 41 and true vintage starts at 50 years doesn't it?) but we are definitely getting old. After coming home from the Nick Cave concert, Darren informed me that we were no longer young and beautiful. I asked him how he knew for sure, he said "because I saw young and beautiful people at the concert and they looked nothing like us". Sigh. My three year old knows how to navigate an iPad better than I do. It's not that there are just bands I have never heard of, there are whole genres of music I have never heard of. What to do? In my head I am eighteen and rebellious and cool and creative and scantily dressed. In real life, not so much. So I will embrace the retro, the vintage, the getting older (and possibly less wise). Here are pretty pics of a world that has passed. They come from my every increasing pinterest boards. Happy Tuesday old people.


  1. I'm also very much 18 and cool Bron hehe. I keep reminding Alice that she has a really cool mum and that my mom was the embarrassing one:o) Little do I realise that I'm becoming more and more like my beautiful old Ethel mummy!
    ps. I hope it was a comfort to Darren that Mr. Cave is even more vintage than us! Bummer that he still manages to pull off cool though.

  2. in a phone conversation last night my 17 yr old niece thought it necessary to explain to me what a music festival was...I tried to tell her that Ive blazed through every music festival in the country (almost) and she clearly didn't believe me....not sure what was sadder her not believing or me wanting to email her every photo of me bare midriffed and adorned with glo sticks and glitter. x

  3. I overheard a toast at a birthday party that I really liked : "May you never be this young again". I'm not sure why I liked it so much.

  4. i wouldnt have you any other way!
