The Jealous Curator launched in February 2009, as a place for me to show artwork that “made me jealous”… in a bad, toxic way. I literally was getting stopped in my tracks every time I saw work that I loved, but now that “jealousy” has turned magically, wonderfully, and thankfully into inspiration and admiration {what a relief!}. Years later, as I move forward with the site, I've realized that where my interests truly lie are, of course with gorgeous contemporary art, but I am also absolutely fascinated with the self-doubt part – the insecurities, inner-critics, and blocks that so many creative people endure. This lead to GIRL CRUSH, a series of workshops that I launched in 2012, all across the USA, and I have a few new projects in the works on this subject – I am so excited to share them with you… stay tuned!
Bio {and other bits}:
I have a BFA in Visual Arts {painting, printmaking, and art history}, and a post-grad in Design. I’ve worked as a designer and Creative Director for 14 years, but have never stopped loving and creating art. After decades of looking at beautiful contemporary art and thinking “Damn, I wish I thought of that”, I decided to say it out loud, and The Jealous Curator was born. I write daily posts showcasing artwork from around the world, and I’m currently writing two books that will be published by Chronicle Books in 2014. I have curated shows in Washington DC, Vancouver Canada, Chattanooga TN, with an upcoming project in LA. I have also had the pleasure of speaking at Alt Summit for the past three years, and recently gave a guest lecture at the University of Tennessee. I am a contributor to sfgirlbybay and Style by Emily Henderson, and have also written posts for West Elm, Etsy, Design Crush, Yellowtrace, Move Lifestyle, eBay, Escape Into Life, EcoFabulous, and several others.
The Jealous Curator has been featured by Sunset Magazine, Frankie Magazine, The Vancouver Sun, Apartment Therapy, and Glamour Paris.

Oh, this is so well deserved my lovely x