Maze & Vale makes beautiful hand-printed fabric. Heather Moore and Jesse Breytenbach, I thought of you immediately. I love that they sell sections of fabric as limited edition prints. This really elevates fabric into the realms of fine art, where it should sit of course.
I was thrilled to find Anrol Designs at the market. I have done a post about them before - I so love their stuff! I bought a few cards and just loved the quality of their tea towels - very pure and lineny.
Desire Books was one of my favourite finds of the day. They make these great felt, iron-on badges. Seeing that Leith has recently started Cub Scouts I am so tempted to sew one of these onto his uniform!
Some of the other stationary stalls I loved were Damn it, Maggie, Blank and Bespoke Letterpress.
This post is getting too long. Tomorrow is another day. But before I go I just wanted to say how pleased I was to meet the makers of these beautiful things. They all seemed like such nice people and were really engaging when I talked to them. Having been a stall holder myself before, talking to people who ask the same questions all day long can be a difficult thing.

I can't believe I have lived in Melbourne over 15 years and have never been to a Finders Keepers market, such beautiful stuff! I look forward to seeing you at the next market in Oct! Karry